Smart Contract call
Now let's call our previous adder
smart contract.
Inspect the deploy
function in our
. Observer that we provided the arguments: --arguments 0
In our init
function, we provided the argument and saved it in our sum
global variable (storage):
fn init(&self, initial_value: BigUint) {
Therefore in the SC there is a sum
storage initialized with 0.
Let's call the add
endpoint to add a value to our storage:
/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/contracts/adder/interaction$ add
Enter number: 2
INFO utils: View this transaction in the MultiversX Testnet Explorer:
"emittedTransaction": {
"nonce": 313,
"value": "0",
"receiver": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9ss82g55h3k96898kmdtp8am3a4qaefcuvaqutqjjd",
"sender": "erd1mqa9wttlzwwdvwgk9dzsfdn79lv5raw0tfe9ynvn0dg92hpruvaqhhd2gx",
"senderUsername": "",
"receiverUsername": "",
"gasPrice": 1000000000,
"gasLimit": 5000000,
"data": "YWRkQDAy",
"chainID": "T",
"version": 2,
"options": 0,
"guardian": "",
"signature": "187f19d7daad9b75f3f6469b56698ab84442786f4a592f4cb86efb858d40d63e75307964a4dd838bf114303427e3e4d2c9322936de3ee520c0ee9878bd2a8c0b",
"guardianSignature": ""
"emittedTransactionData": "add@02",
"emittedTransactionHash": "2a906bc468008706f928cc5b7a669570c71556c604ae8d1ef2dfdfb100636f74",
"contractAddress": "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9ss82g55h3k96898kmdtp8am3a4qaefcuvaqutqjjd"
Inspect the MultiversX Testnet Explorer to see the transaction.
Let's call the getSum
view function to read from the storage:
costin@Byblos:~/mvx/mx-contracts-rs/contracts/adder/interaction$ getSum
Notice that the view functions (the queries) are not transactions on blockchain. We didn't pay any gas for this. We didn't create any transaction.